Dipression is 'Real'
Hello guys , How are you all?
I hope you are fine and safe at your place.
It's been a long time since I have Posted my last blog on August 2020
So let's talk about today's topic
See I have gone through it
Dipression it can cause you with any reason you are fighting with your life like
You are not Getting job so you got depressed or
You failed In an entrance exam
A girl you loved the most she has rejected you or extra merital affairs that could be any reason
That can cause you dipression and in today's society people really don't wanna talk about it , how to deal with it
See we have some biggest examples available right now on dipression
People have lost their life by being dippressed and taking the wrong steps in their life , number of peoples have lost their lives while dealing with dippression and yeah it's the cruel truth.
Sucide is not an option in any situation
Life puts us in a situation where we have to fight with the external world as well as with ourselves in that situation .
And you have to fight with situation and win the battle.
You have to come out of it .
You have to face that situation.
Don't walk away face the situation
Fight with it.
If you want to change your life look in the mirror
Only you can change your life
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