What are some healthy vegetables to eat?
Hello guys , ЁЯдЧ Hey, how are you all Introduction : So you want to need to know the advantages people gets: people that eat more vegetables and fruits as a part of an overall healthy diet are likely to possess reduced risk of chronic diseases. Nutrients : As I even have seen most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. None have cholesterol. (Sauces or seasonings may add fat , calories and cholesterol). So vegetables are important source of the various nutrients including potassium , dietry, fibre , folate (folic acid), Vitamins A, and vitamin C . It's your admin Rashid so I have come back with another blog after doing a lot of research and hardwood I have found those 5 vegetables that you should eat everyday. So first let me talk about the ongoing situation in the world it Covid-19 and how this thing jmis linked with my blog I think I don't have to tell you that but still I will tell you. Whatever food, vegetables, packagd food or ЁЯНХ pizza or anything you are buying...